Welcome to Quark's place
Hi, my name is Peter Lager (aka Quark) and this site is a result of my main area of interest - computer programming.
In December 2008 a friend introduced me to Processing. Since then I have contributed many diverse libraries and tools, the best known being G4P. Recently I extended my interests to include p5.js and have created canvasGUI, a p5.js libray providing an on-canvas GUI experience.
While some of these libraries are specific to, and requires either Processing or p5.js some are written in pure Java / Javascript and only use Processing and p5.js as a framework to demonstrate their use.
This site also showcases some of my own creations so you might check out the Gallery. You can also see some of my sketches at Open Processing and at p5js online editor
If you need further help using any of my libraries and tools you should post your query on the Processing forum.